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Launch Day Jitters

I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I’ve been working on this website since March. Well, I reserved the domain in March. I set up a Wix account in April. I argued with my husband over graphics and colors in May. I got close to launching in June. Then in July, I froze.

In case I haven’t mentioned it before, I’m a perfectionist. I’m a panic attack-having, detail-obsessing, over-achieving perfectionist. So, having to make every decision for this website was a true test for me.

Honestly, it was too many details and too much pressure. I thought the colors were all wrong. I thought my message wasn't clear enough. I thought I wasn’t qualified. I thought I wasn't ready. I was thinking a lot. In fact, I was thinking so much that it drowned out my intuition.

So, I decided to put the website on the backburner for a little while and I got quiet. I settled into my new house. I put pictures on the walls. I set up a meditation space. I started running again.

Then in August, I started tinkering with the website. Tinkering led me right to the rabbit hole of details again but this time I had a secret weapon. I looked up from my keyboard and saw a post-it that I put on my computer. It only had one word – simplify.

I looked at it and thought to myself:


Just Breathe.

Hold on to what you can control.

Let go of what you can’t.

Just Breathe.


I stripped away the fluffy language. I let go of the fancy fonts and stopped researching HTML and new apps. I simplified everything I could.

Then I did the scariest thing I could do. I set a deadline. I even put it on my calendar and told my husband about it. Now it was real. And honestly, I love a challenge.

I also tapped into the tools that have served me well as a perfectionist for 20+ years. I got organized, I made lists, I focused and all of a sudden – it was done.

Today, I hit publish on

No big deal, but I was 4 days ahead of schedule...I mentioned that I’m an over-achiever, right?

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